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About Us

It's time to get back to business, and our roots.  For most of our lives, our family has been about entrepreneurial spirit outside of the public eye or the paparazzi. Believe it or not, we started from a very modest background, when Robert senior (an solo practitioner attorney) decided to form Radio and Records (now Billboard Magazine).  Kim soon jumped onto the entrepreneur wagon and created a home-grown e-commerce business on eBay. Somehow the retail bug catches on and as you know, Khloe, Kourtney and Rob have all embarked upon retail and e-commerce journeys.

There's a point where one can lose focus on what the true driver was for our family to be in front of cameras - to show that [motivator here]

So, we present Kardashian Outlet.  Our new mantra is that we're going "Version 2" of our fashion offerings.  Transitioning from QVC and Sears to us - you get our family instead of a big corporate umbrella. 

The quality of these items is still top-notch, however, we're about custom, [thesaurus for quality] (targeted, strategic, fashion-centric)



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